School Fees
Interest is charged on outstanding school fees at a rate of 1.5% per month accruing daily.
Additional Information
A returnable deposit of £500 will be included in the account for your daughter’s first term fees. It will be credited against the closing account when she leaves the school.
Registrations for Nursery – Year 2 are subject to a £100 registration fee. For students in Year 3 and above, a non-refundable £200 fee is payable to cover registration and assessment.
We aim to make school fees as inclusive as possible. The termly fees therefore cover the cost of tuition, text books, most stationery requirements, morning break and lunch. Below are some examples of the extras that are chargeable:
- Individual Learning Support
- Music lessons
- Public Exam entry fees
- School trips
- Speech and Drama lessons, including LAMDA tuition
- Gymnastics, tennis and martial arts coaching
- Minibus service
- Breakfast club
- After-school activities
A full list of items which incur additional charges may be obtained from the Bursar.