A Level Results 2024

A Level Students at St Mary’s in Gerrards Cross have been celebrating their A level examination results today. This creative and inspiring group of students have been exemplary role models to their peers throughout Year 13 with their strong leadership qualities, enthusiasm and camaraderie; they have, today, continued to be an inspiration to younger students with their A level results and plans for their next steps.

Girls have achieved places at an exciting range of courses including:

  • Biomedical Sciences at Edinburgh
  • Mathematics at Manchester
  • Media Communications at Bath Spa
  • Law at Cardiff
  • Liberal Arts at Kings
  • Fashion at Kingston

All of our students are either going on to a chosen University or Further Education establishment and some will be taking gap years to complete courses and travel; all looking forward to very bright futures ahead. They leave St Mary’s equipped with the passion, skills and self-belief to be exactly who they want to be and to follow their dreams and we can’t wait to hear what they are doing in years to come.

We are proud of all of our students’ achievements; in particular, the Art Department achieved 100% A grades and Spanish 100% A*. Our Head Girl achieved straight A grades and the majority of those who applied to university this year will be attending their first choice course.

We will be celebrating all the girls’ achievements reflected in these A level grades with their teachers and parents as we wish them well for their future courses and careers. We look forward to keeping in touch with the families and welcoming the girls back to St Mary’s in the future.

Mrs Adams, Headmistress said: 

“I am so delighted for our A level students and their families today. It is certainly a day to celebrate our young people; after all their extreme hard work, dedication and commitment to their A level studies, they now have hard won results and will go on to some really exciting courses of further study. This outstanding cohort have distinguished themselves as leaders on the sports field, on the stage in the expressive arts, in their charity work and as fabulous role models for our younger girls, embodying our St Mary’s spirit and values. We will certainly miss them and look forward to seeing the amazing things they will do in the future.

To enable our students to thrive takes successful teamwork in the form of productive partnerships with parents, many of whom have been with us since their daughters were in Prep and the expert guidance of their teachers. Our teaching staff have the highest aspirations and ambitions for our students, walking alongside, steering and guiding them every step of the way. Today we will be celebrating all of these contributions and we wish each and every one of our students well as they now embark on their courses further study or undertake gap year travels and plans. Many congratulations to all!”