Our Aims & Values

At St Mary’s Independent School, our aims and values are at the centre of all that we do and we constantly review our practice to ensure that we are meeting them. We are committed to providing an excellent education in a caring, happy environment, where each girl develops self-confidence and achieves her full potential.

We aim to provide:

  • A stimulating, holistic education which will challenge and excite our pupils, encouraging them to strive for excellence and leading to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, independence, self-discipline and academic success.
  • A framework of challenge and support, which enables all our pupils to achieve their individual potential and to develop personal confidence and self-esteem.
  • A full range of opportunities which will enable our pupils, as responsible citizens, to take their place in the world with confidence and discover their own passions and interests.
  • A value system based on empathy, which recognises and affirms the religious and cultural diversity of our pupils and wider community.
  • High moral standards in a Christian ethical context, which reflect the School’s Anglican foundation and promote an awareness of the needs of others.
  • The foundation for an active partnership with parents, the local community and the wider world. Independent School
ISI Inspection Report 2023
Leaders successfully develop pupils' confidence and self-esteem. Students respond well to an approach which focuses on encouragement and reward and recognises the needs of the individual.

See our review on Muddy Stilettoes