GCSE Years

The range of GCSEs on offer to girls at St Mary’s School ensures a broad choice of subjects so that there is a pathway to suit every individual. The curriculum is engaging and challenging, giving each student the self-belief to excel in her chosen subjects. She will grow in confidence and develop the conviction that she can achieve her dreams.

Girls choose their options in the Lent Term of Year 9. They will enjoy a GCSE Options Day, which will give them a taste of a range of subjects, and have meetings with their tutors to support them in making the right decision. Students will also benefit from conversations with their class teachers to determine whether they would be suited to individual subjects. This enables students to feel confident that they are choosing subjects in which they will achieve their best, and most importantly, enjoy.

All students will study core GCSE options of English language, English literature, mathematics, a modern foreign language, and combined science (which makes up two GCSEs). Those wishing to follow a science pathway may choose to study separate sciences for 3 separate GCSEs. All girls also study PSHCEE and physical education. You can explore our GCSE Options further in our Options guide, below.

The curriculum at GCSE is enriched by students taking part in relevant co-curricular opportunities to broaden their understanding of their chosen subjects. Our co-curricular programme of over 120 clubs per term means there is something for everyone. Additionally, our committed teachers often hold subject drop-ins or clinics to support those who need it. For students who enjoy academic stretch and challenge, we have subject accolades that girls can work towards and a variety of masterclass talks that explore concepts in action. Recent talks have included sign language, how to write a novel and brutalist architecture.

The trips and visits that our inspiring teachers organise, every year, at GCSE really go the extra mile in putting learning into action and allowing girls to bring theory to life. Each year, depending on subject choices, students can enjoy trips to Cadbury World, Kew Gardens, Washington DC, The Battle Fields, the BBC, Film Studios and Berlin to name a few.


GCSE Options Guide