Exam Invigilator

We wish to appoint a team of Exam Invigilators to support the delivery of our external examinations for students during the Autumn exam periods (November to December 2024) and ensure that all JCQ regulatory requirements for the conduct of examinations are strictly adhered to. You will play a pivotal role in a committed team, maintaining the integrity of our examinations, and make a real impact on the outcomes of our students.

Experience is not required to be an Invigilator as training will be provided, although applicants will be asked to declare if they have invigilated previously and whether they have any current maladministration/malpractice sanctions applied to them.

Closing Date: Wednesday 16th October 2024

Interview Date: W/C Monday 4th November 2024

Exam Invigilator AdvertExam Invigilator Application PackApplication Form